

So, Halloween wasn't so fun this year. We waited and waited for the rain to stop and left the house as soon as it did. It was pouring again by the end of the block. I tried to persuade a trip home to try it again in a little while but by that point, the 2yr old had it all figured out already. "Lauren, why don't we go home for a little bit and come back out when the rain stops?"
"I need to say twick or tweet and get more tandy. No home."

So we were out for 2 hours in the rain, which never really stopped. They had umbrellas but couldn't manage to hold the umbrella and the candy. You can guess what won. They were all wet but the candy bags were full!

At least hubby went out and got pizza while we were gone.

"Oh, you're so cute! Are you Dorothy?"
"No. I'm Lauren"

Her wings were droopy by the time we got home but she was adorable when we left

I'm not sure why SuperGirl is "Fighting the power" but that's what she did anytime someone said SuperGirl.

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